Title : Adult Lifestyle Community - A Definition
currently which our aging population has visibly become a force to be reckoned with, many homebuilders are discovering mature adults to be a potent market. however often homebuilders tend to miss the market by focusing more on the home (which can be after all what builders are selling), rather than the lifestyle (which can be what drives most of the sales activity in an adult lifestyle community).
Many developers as well as homebuilders operate coming from the misconception which mature buyers prefer to live in homes which are inexpensive as well as focus on pricing their homes as low as possible, believing which product as well as cost are what drives the sale. as well as surely there are adult lifestyle purchasers for whom cost can be a prime consideration. however most potential residents of an adult lifestyle community are looking for three things: adult, lifestyle as well as community.
Purchasers in adult communities want to be sure which the community they are considering moving to can be indeed an "adult" community. As such, many such communities are age-restricted, which has a hard as well as fast set of rules which precludes the possibility of children moving in. Of course, in jurisdictions which do not allow discrimination on the basis of age, there are different ways to "restrict" who moves in. This particular could range coming from so-called restrictive covenants registered on title of the property to rules about the permanent number of residents which may occupy any one dwelling unit (usually no more than two) under a condominium corporation or a rental agreement. Finally, the best method to maintain the integrity of an adult lifestyle community can be to offer homes which are specifically designed for an older, childless demographic. The market will take care of the rest.
Some builder want to hedge their bets by offering large two storey homes in adult communities, imagining which they might be appealing to younger baby boomers which still have children at home. This particular fallacy results in pleasing neither the younger baby boomers which do not want to live in a community comprised largely of older people, nor the active adults seeking a childfree lifestyle.
As stated above, one of the most important considerations on the part of the purchaser in an adult community involves lifestyle. Many people in their 50s as well as 60s who are either retired or semi-retired have a lot of leisure time as well as a plethora of interests about which they are very passionate. Many are into golf in a big way as well as seek communities which are near golf courses. Many are into personal fitness as well as look for communities which provide exercise facilities. There are nearly as many interests as there are individuals seeking to live the adult lifestyle. Those communities which recognize This particular very important fact tend to do very well, while those which don't, not so much.
Finally, active adults tend to be very social as well as seek to live in a community where they find others of similar interests as well as values. Many of these communities have organized activities, such as a bridge club, a golf group, round-robin tennis tournaments or group projects such as quilting or knitting. A sense of being a part of a community of like-minded individuals actually can be one of the most important aspects of a successful adult lifestyle community. These are the reasons why a community clubhouse can be probably one of the most important amenities which any adult lifestyle community could provide. as well as the greater the variety of amenities as well as interests, the more people will be attracted to live there.
Adult Lifestyle Community - A Definition
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