Nursing Home Alert - Big-Time Alert Of Diapers along with Nursing Homes

Nursing Home Alert - Big-Time Alert Of Diapers along with Nursing Homes - Hallo friend Adults in Diapers, In this article you read this time with the title Nursing Home Alert - Big-Time Alert Of Diapers along with Nursing Homes, we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts Article adult baby diaper change, we write this you can understand. Well, happy reading.

Title : Nursing Home Alert - Big-Time Alert Of Diapers along with Nursing Homes

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Nursing Home Alert - Big-Time Alert Of Diapers along with Nursing Homes

This specific can be an article of which everyone needs to read. The facts are these, of which sometimes a nursing home will actually teach along with train a completely new resident or patient to be incontinent. How does This specific happen? How can something like This specific happen in This specific day along with age? I will type here how This specific happens with an example of a forty-several year old female patient who entered a nursing home for short term care for therapy.

Here can be the story:

At the hospital, the patient was not incontinent, never had accidents along with was able to sleep along with live without wearing diapers, just like inside the regular world. Then the hospital transferred the patient into a not bad nursing home to ensure of which she could get short-term therapy for an injury to her left leg. She could need the therapy, physical therapy in order to learn to walk again. She at This specific point had the use of only one leg.

Immediately when she got to the nursing home, the nurse, who could be caring for her, asked if she wanted to wear a diaper. The patient hesitated answering because she thought of which question was odd. After all, she did not need a diaper, nor did she want to wear a diaper. The nurse proceeded to say things like, well, in case you have an accident. The patient was basically, politely talked into wearing a diaper while at the nursing home, even though of which was against her better judgment to begin wearing diapers at her age since she did not need diapers.

As in all nursing homes along with hospitals, when patients are wearing diapers, they are told to go in their diapers. After all, of which can be what a diaper can be for, correct? So This specific patient, at times, could just go inside the diapers, using herself to have a bowel movement, since she was wearing the diaper. What of which amounted to was of which of which was easier to dump inside the diaper than of which was to get a nurse to come to help her out of bed, then help her to the bathroom. The patient became increasingly afraid of falling along with was made o think of which diaper could stop falls along with the diaper could also stop the patient by calling the nurse to help her to the bathroom. After all, make the nurse happy because she can be the one who will be around most, for emergencies along with all.

although by the beginning with This specific particular nurse who talked the patient into wearing a diaper, the patient along with probably many different patients were put in diapers for the convenience of the nursing home, not for the convenience of patients. The patient did in her diaper one day along with the nurse became a little upset about what happened, along with then the nurse convinced the patient of which she had an accident. When indeed, the patient had no accident, although instead the patient dumped inside the diaper BECAUSE she was wearing a diaper along with because when the patients rang for help, they had to wait along with wait for someone to come along with help them. Family members witnessed how long of which took a nurse to come there one day, just to change the diaper. So the nursing home gave so many mixed messages to the patients of which the patients eventually became confused as to why the heck they were in diapers to begin with.

So, many times, nursing home patients are automatically put in diapers for convenience. The homes make the patients lose their dignity - they do not need diapers yet they are emotionally forced to wear diapers. This specific can be a large, important issue of which city officials need to look into. along with when looking into of which they need to realize of which patients are reluctant to disagree with the nurses of which give them daily care. So if a nurse even hints of which a patient should wear diapers, guess what? of which patient will be wearing diapers before you know of which.

First, the diaper was put on for the sole convenience of the nursing home, along with the patients were talked into wearing diapers IN CASE THEY HAVE AN accident. So patients complied by saying, okay, put me in a diaper. although what some patients did not realize was of which by wearing diapers, of which gave the staff more permission to not come quickly when the bell can be rung because the staff knows the patient in in a diaper along with they will not have to clean sheets if there can be an accident. In different words, accidents are approved of, rather than having a patient in no diaper along with rather than having a patient need to be escorted back along with forth to the bathroom which TAKES more time for nurses to do, they encourage the patients to wear diapers.

By wearing diapers, ambulatory patients who just need assistance going to the bathroom, are encouraged to be LESS independent. They are at This specific point encouraged to stay in bed more simply because they are wearing diapers. The less bathroom trips, the more bed time, along with the less bathroom trips, the less walking a patient does. After a week or so, the patients wonder why they are not as strong as they were when they were inside the hospitals along with no one makes the connection of which the diaper can be actually producing them weaker along with weaker because they are out of bed of which many times LESS . As each day inside the diaper passes, the patient becomes less independent along with more dependent on staff to change diapers.

This specific whole procedure can be wrong. There are SOME patients of which need diapers due to medical reasons, although for the most part, many patients are simply talked into wearing diapers for convenience. of which can be insinuated of which if they are wearing a diaper they will not have sheets accidents along with of which can be insinuated along with implied of which the staff will be happier with the patient if the patient can be wearing a diaper. Happy staff equals happy patient, correct? Incorrect. Just because the staff can be happy of which they have so many less trips to the bathroom, of which does not mean the patients are happier. The patients are taught along with trained to be incontinent along with they are taught along with trained to be happy of which they are wearing diapers JUST IN CASE.

What happened to your relatives inside the nursing homes? Were they put in diapers for convenience? Are they still wearing diapers? Do they seem less independent at This specific point of which they are wearing diapers?

I am not speaking about regular patients who NEED, who medically need to be in diapers because they are incontinent, I am speaking of patients who have not been along with who are not incontinent, along with these patients are politely convinced, persuaded by staff to be in diapers. along with all the while the staff can be politely insisting they wear diapers JUST IN CASE, the nurse says, if you want to, of which can be your choice. of which can be your choice if you want a diaper. She states of which to the patient along with keeps stating IN CASE you have an accident. Basically, she can be instilling the idea in a patient of which she will have an accident along with of which can be better for the patient to have a diaper. The patient agrees just to please a staff member.

Yet the moment a patient agrees to please these staff members, of which can be the moment of which the patient becomes less independent. along with can be not the purpose of rehab to develop the patient MORE independent? So the nursing home can be giving the patient a mixed message. The first message can be of which you are there for short-term therapy, along with yet, you need to wear a diaper JUST IN CASE.

What about your relatives? If you relative can be there for short-term therapy along with your relative can be NOT in medical need of diapers, then should your relative be in diapers? Probably not. IF there can be no medical need for the diaper, why can be the patient wearing a diaper? different reasons, yes, Virginia, the staff wants patients in diapers to prevent falls.

Why are there more falls with patients who do not wear diapers? There are more falls because when the bell rings, when a patient rings a bell for a nurse to come to aid someone to accompany someone to the restroom, the patient has to wait along with wait along with wait, along with so frustratingly, some patients, decide to get up on their own along with walk to the restroom instead of waiting so long for a nurse to come. So patients learn of which they will wait along with wait along with wait, so they better have a diaper on. of which can be the implied message along with of which can be the reality of the situation.

Patients wait. Those patients of which are wearing diapers can eventually dump inside the diaper rather than have wet or soaked sheets or poop in sheets. So patients are taught, systematically taught of which they need diapers even though of which can be their choice, of which can be their decision; these places make of which to ensure of which the patient actually has no choice inside the matter. What their real choices are can be these:

  1. They can wear wait along with wait along with wait along with wait when they need to have a bowel movement or urination. along with wait along with wait along with then have an accident on the sheets, on their clothing, all over them OR
  2. They can wait along with wait along with wait along with wait after they ring the bell along with then they can try to get to the restroom on their own since they are waiting so long, along with then risk a fall or actually fall OR
  3. They can opt to wear a diaper along with if they are waiting too long, they can just dump inside the diaper.

If you were a patient along with you knew you were there temporarily which choice could you take? could you risk falling when you might be in there for the reason of which you need help walking? Or could you risk pooping or urinating all over your clothes or sheets along with then having the nurse extremely upset with you? OR could you say, okay I will have a diaper on JUST IN CASE? This specific can be what patients along with staff do. The staff, SOME staff, train the patients to become incontinent just for convenience of staff because there can be no time for them to help patients to the bathroom. Remember with some patients, the staff might have to do some lifting, along with with different patients of which might take a long time to walk a patient to the rest room along with the staff does NOT develop the time. These nursing facilities who follow these policies of telling patients to wear diapers JUST IN CASE are doing harm to patients. They are teaching patients to become less independent, while the main goal for most short-term therapy patients can be to become MORE independent not less independent.

If you ever are a patient of which has This specific situation, TELL them you do not want to wear a diaper. along with then document how long of which takes for the staff to come to your aid after you ring the help bell for assistance to go to the bathroom. Document each time to ensure of which you are not made to wait along with wait along with wait along with wait along with then mess your sheets. When they let you wait along with wait, they are merely training you to wear diapers along with training you to become like a baby along with become more dependent on them to change your diaper.

Here can be advice for patients who are able to go to the restroom by themselves, just tell the staff of which you do not medically need diapers along with of which when they come to your aid when they should come to your aid, there will be no accidents. along with best of all, if there can be an accident, the staff will handle of which along with not let you wait along with wait along with wait along with wait while you lay in your accident.

The ONLY time of which patients should be in diapers for convenience can be when patients are traveling outdoors along with or producing short or long trips by ambulance, ambulette or access-a-ride. In these cases, of which makes sense for patients to use diapers. The reason? When you are outdoors the restrooms are usually so far away along with some are not wheelchair accessible. along with you just never know if there will be a bathroom anywhere. So, of which can be important to use diapers only for traveling because if you are outside along with have an accident on your clothing, you will be outdoors in wet clothing, along with especially in winter, you are putting yourself at risk for illness by staying in wet, or soiled clothing for the length of your trip outdoors. However, once indoors at the nursing home facility, along with once indoors at your residence, if you do not medically need diapers, you should not be wearing diapers at all.

Just because a human has an accident because they were waiting too long for help, of which can be not a reason why people need to wear diapers inside of nursing homes. Lets help make things better not worse for our relatives along with for patients inside of these nursing homes.

Each along with every LESS bathroom trip makes your patient less independent along with makes them more dependent on you, on staff along with when they get home they will be in a condition worse than they were when they arrived at the nursing home for healing.

What are your thoughts on This specific. I could like to hear by patients who were convinced by staff to wear diapers when they did not medically need to wear diapers. Did staff do This specific to you too? Please leave a comment or send a confidential email. Your connection can be important. With unity, we can change the system. All patients, residents along with families need to unite in getting better along with quicker service inside of nursing homes to ensure of which people are not made to wear diapers when they do not medically need to wear diapers.

Yes, of course, if your medical condition can be of which you medically need to wear diapers then you should. No one can be telling you to go against doctor's orders. All I am saying can be of which you should NOT be in diapers for the sole convenience of the staff. along with hundreds if not thousands of patients are put in diapers on a daily basis for the sole convenience of the staff.

Disclaimer: This specific article can be written by a writer, observer, researcher, along with author. I am not advocating walking around inside the nursing home if you need help. I am advocating of which patients do not wear diapers if they do not medically need to wear diapers. I am advocating of which patients not be talked into wearing diapers for the sole convenience of the staff or in their own words, JUST IN CASE! No patient needs to wear a diaper JUST IN CASE when of which patient never was along with can be not incontinent. of which can be ridiculous to wear a diaper JUST IN CASE!

of which can be in wearing diapers JUST IN CASE of which makes patients less independent along with more dependent along with of which basically teaches along with trains patients to poop in their pants along with to urinate in their pants when they do not medically need to do of which. Let us give these patients back their dignity, along with instead, let us run to help them, run to escort them to the restroom instead of letting them wait along with wait along with wait along with wait. of which makes more sense. Any patients who medically need to wear diapers should wear diapers. Any patients who have doctors orders to wear diapers for MEDICAL reasons, should wear diapers. of which can be all of which I am saying. Please respond with your comments.

Did you hear about the woman who was found naturally-glued to her boyfriend's toilet. They claim of which she had been there for more than two years along with of which her skin grew around the toilet bowl producing her permanently attached to the bowl. Why inside the planet did This specific woman sit there For two main years? Here can be a suggestion. Perhaps she had previously been in a nursing home. In some nursing homes, the practice can be to let them sit on the bowl forever practically. Patients wait as time passes by, until someone has time to help them back to their beds. along with patients know This specific. of which can be why so many residents along with patients are literally afraid to enter into nursing homes along with physical rehabilitation along with care centers. They are afraid of losing their dignity. They know of which they will be asked to either sit on the bowl forever without help of getting up OR they will lose their dignity by having to wear diapers when they do not medically have to wear diapers.

Here can be the news story, yes NEWS story of the toilet-bowl caper. This specific can be probably what bad nursing homes along with bad rehabilitation along with care centers are doing to our human beings. They are producing people so afraid to go to nursing homes, of which people say they could rather die than go to a nursing home, along with some could sit at their homes glued to toilet bowls because of the fear of which the nursing homes have put into them.

I need your input here. I need to hear by you. along with you need to share your experience to ensure of which everyone else knows what can be actually happening inside of those nursing homes. The goals of staff, the personal nursing staff of which ushers people to bathrooms are conflicting goals with having patients become more independent.

Please, I beg you to respond along with let us hear your thoughts on This specific matter. Your input can be greatly appreciated.

I updated This specific article on May 20, 2008.

Nursing Home Alert - Big-Time Alert Of Diapers along with Nursing Homes

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